The Studio in a School Association is delighted to announce that Dr. Hasna Muhammad has been named Chair of our Board of Directors.

Dr. Muhammad, an experienced educator and advocate, will be taking over this role from Patricia Hewitt, who graciously led the Board’s work for 3 years. Hasna has been a valuable Board member since 2015, and we’re delighted to see her at its helm.
Hasna shared, “I am committed to Studio in a School and its profound mission to harness the transformative power of art and place it into the hearts, minds, and hands of children, young people, families, teachers, and communities. Studio reminds us that art is the ultimate expression of freedom, and when it is taught, cherished, and shared, it has the incredible ability to uplift and affirm our collective humanity. The student work is insightful, optimistic, and serves as a source of inspiration for all the stakeholders involved. It is a privilege to be a part of the creative endeavors and imaginative expressions of pre-school and school-aged children as well as the preparation of teens and college students that seek careers in cultural spaces. I am deeply honored to be entrusted with the role of Chair of the Board of Directors of this remarkable organization.”
Studio’s Founder Agnes Gund said, “It has been a privilege to have Hasna on our Board and I am delighted to see her as Board Chair. Hasna’s shown dedication to our work and mission time and time again. She upholds the value of visual arts education, speaks to its importance, and supports access to arts programs. Hasna, thank you for all that you do. I am looking forward to all the good things to come with you as our Board Chair.”
Studio NYC President Alison Scott-Williams and Studio Institute President Tom Cahill shared, “Dr. Hasna Muhammad has been indispensable to our Board since her joining. She’s consistently brought intellect, passion, and creativity to our Board meetings. We can confidently say that Hasna will be an exemplary Board Chair.”
HASNA’S work as a photographer, writer, and educator focuses on family, social justice, education, and the human condition. She exhibits her photography throughout the country, and she is the author of Breathe In the Sky: Poems Prayers & Photographs.
Hasna was a middle school English teacher, a high school principal, and an assistant superintendent for curriculum and human resources. She also taught executive leadership, diversity management, and community engagement at the graduate level. Hasna currently provides professional preparation for diversifying leadership forces.
Hasna grew up in New Rochelle, NY with her parents, Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee, and she now lives in Brewster, NY where she and her husband raised three children. Hasna received her B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College and her M.A. and Ed.D. from Teachers College, Columbia University. Hasna is an alumni of the International Center of Photography, a 2018-2019 Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture Fellow, a Moth Storyteller, and a member of the Harlem Writer’s Guild.