View more images from the opening reception below
On June 24, 300 young artists representing more than 60 New York City public schools, licensed daycare centers, and Head Start program sites from all five boroughs were joined by friends and family as their artworks were unveiled at Christie’s New York. The art work was selected by artists and Studio educators and was framed and professionally curated and hung in beautiful galleries at Christie’s.
Young Visions 2019, on view through June 28, includes more than 200 works of art created by students in Studio in a School (“Studio”) programs from pre-k through high school. Paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints on display demonstrate the range of media explored by these gifted students working with Studio’s Artist Instructors. Students learn to observe, imagine and interpret the people, places and ideas that make up their lives and have the opportunity to depict them in creative, compelling ways.
Through their work we see the development of skills and capacities, artistic choices made by students of all ages, some working individually and others working collaboratively. One of several exhibitions of student artwork by Studio in a School in partnership with New York City Department of Education and individual schools, this annual exhibition celebrates effort, learning, growth and creativity of every child who participated in Studio’s programs this year. Studio thanks our generous donors and Christie’s New York for their partnership and enduring support.
Photography by (c) Mindy Best